

How Minority-Owned Businesses Can Close Racial Wealth Gaps and Rebuild the U.S. 经济
作者:Nahla Davies


The racial wealth gap in the US is a burden on minorities and the overall economy. Despite overall wealth increasing in median US 家庭 over the last 20 years, the disparity between minority 家庭 and white 家庭 has become even more prevalent. 

The states that are home to 65% of Black residents in the US fall below the national average in a range of categories, 从经济机会到公共卫生, 到医疗质量到就业.

This widening racial gap creates many disadvantages for minorities and Black individuals, 家庭, 和社区. 这限制了少数民族的经济实力和前景. 最糟糕的是,这些影响是周期性的.

无论是缺乏 获得资本 或者更系统化的问题,有很多因素需要分析. 除了对少数民族的明显负面影响, 美国经济受到种族贫富差距的影响. 

本文将探讨少数股东面临的一些挑战, 缩小贫富差距的影响, 为什么要支持少数族裔企业, 和更多的.


少数股东可能只占大约 20%的小企业 in the United States, but we bring diversity to a very undiversified market. Covid-19和广泛传播, systematic injustice created a challenging landscape for small business owners in 2020, 尤其是如果你是少数族裔企业主.

The pandemic's impact has been felt worldwide and has changed how pretty much every business operates, 从买口罩开始, 保持社交距离, 或者完全改变商业渠道.

这些新的开支会影响你的利润,尤其是对小企业来说. 尽管如此,企业主大多会避免 向顾客收取更多费用 因为害怕失去更多的顾客. 


自主创业可以帮助提高家庭收入, 将其财富基础多元化到非个人资产, 补丁不足. However, the real issue is 获得资本, which is significantly more difficult for minorities. 

少数族裔获得小企业贷款的可能性较小, 这些贷款对经济发展至关重要, 但这些定义相当模糊和宽泛. 

The widening of the wealth gap disadvantages minorities and their financial prospects, 但它也削弱了整个美国经济. Fewer minority dollars to invest in the economy leads to a lower ability to increase wages, 创造就业机会, 提高房屋价值.

Another issue impacting the economy is that most places are going cashless, with the need for card payments skyrocketing in traditionally cash-heavy businesses. 这就产生了以前并不普遍的新问题. So, 如果你需要从你的客户那里收款, 依赖支付服务将是最重要的 可以很好地积分 通过邮件营销服务, 跟踪发票的状态, 并确保你不会遇到任何问题.

There is a common misconception that there’s only so much wealth to go around, so helping other communities and minorities will lessen someone else’s wealth. 这是我们vs。. them’ mentality needs to be a thing of the past; it’s inaccurate and damaging.

Small businesses in the US coming second only to homeownership as the best source of wealth building, 但是尽管如此, people of color are denied credit more frequently and are charged steeper rates.

在今年的两次危机之后, 一个是医疗问题,一个是种族问题, 帮助小企业比以往任何时候都更加重要, 特别是POC拥有的那些, 帮助重建美国经济. Small businesses also employ over half our workforce and create over 60% of new jobs, and it is at a critical state because of wealth inequality across our nation.


我们需要企业家. We are a nation that has evolved to be a global superpower with Black and minority groups as our communities' backbones. 我们需要继续推动和保持企业家精神的强大.

移民 两倍的可能性 比美国人更容易创业, 但在我们支离破碎的体制中,他们经常被归为二等公民. So, supporting these minority business owners is vital to improving our economy.

支持可以来自消费者、社区,甚至是政府层面. We can contribute different resources to the larger goal of supporting minority-owned businesses and encouraging more to grow and start. 

The pandemic has created new challenges for minority business owners but has created more opportunities for starting an online business and thinking outside of the box. 如果你的梦想是卖掉你的 独一无二的在线产品,那么你就需要一个伟大的电子商务平台. 你还需要一个可靠的主机来存储这个网站, and you'll want to make use of the best eCommerce platform that you can afford.

As a customer, focusing purchasing power on minority-owned businesses can support local economies. You can do your part in shrinking the racial wealth gap by creating new jobs and helping larger organizations become more accountable for their lack of representation.

越来越多的公司可以实现合作伙伴关系和招聘的多样化, while governments can implement entrepreneurial programs and schemes to encourage minorities to invest in themselves. This could be the launch of how we can close racial wealth gaps in our country.

你在社区中花费的钱通常会回到社区中, whereas money spent on multinationals fills someone's already overflowing bank account. Finding minority businesses to support is not a hard task and doesn’t require a massive change from the usual. A quick Google search can tell you where the local businesses you can support are. 


Minorities in the US face a range of factors and variables that limit their wealth development.  当这些不被检查时, the gaps could spiral even further out of control and have a detrimental impact on the US economy as a whole, 不仅仅是少数民族. 

Banks can take steps to reform policies such as mortgage interest tax deduction to benefit all income levels, 不仅仅是高收入家庭. 也, helping minority 家庭 enroll in automatic savings vehicles could also help improve wealth inequality and help promote the potential of saving for all US residents. 

就…而言 已建立的银行关系, there is a real disparity between minority-led firms and other businesses. 这影响了获得资本的途径,并从根本上造成了一个问题, 所以我们需要支持这些企业. 

The cure isn’t a simple process, as some of these issues are systemic and deep-seated. However, acknowledging and understanding the problem is certainly a step in the right direction. 

Only by understanding the issues can we start to target them and work on fixing them. After all, it is in the nation’s best interest as it could be valued at over a trillion dollars. 

So, if you’re a minority owner, trust your gut, and always remember that you are your own boss. If you can navigate the unique challenges for business ownership, you will succeed and thrive.

Nahla Davies是一名软件开发人员和技术作家. She is devoted to educating the world about software and the role that it plays in the world around us.

版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

